Putting new grips on your golf clubs can be a inexpensive and effective solution to quickly give you more consistency in your game.

Most amateur golfers never change the grips on their clubs.

Whereas, some professionals have been known to re-grip their clubs at the end of every competitive round.

Of course, if you do a lot of practice on the range you should consider changing your grips even more frequently. You could easily hit 30 shots with your driver in a range session.

You will also find you have certain clubs that are used far more often than others, especially if you only play your home course the majority of the time.

What happens when a grip is worn?

Grips are fundamentally just pieces of rubber to enable us to hold the golf club securely. The grips have various type of a textured surface to provide more grip security and feel.

If you look at old used set of golf clubs that have never been re-gripped you will see that the grips are often very shiny.

Shiny grips are a problem. You have to grip the club harder when the grip is shiny so that it does not slip and turn in your hands as you take a swing.

It is worth checking your golf clubs at least once a month.

New grips feel good.

With over 25 years golfing experience, Jack teaches a combination of good technique and proper course management techniques to enable golfers to get the most from their games.

Jack is the author of "Master You Mind And Your Golf Game" and offers a FREE 7 Day E-Course on "Course Management Keys".